3 Ways to Schedule:

1. From The Sheduling App on your Smart Phone:
Please download The Scheduling App from The App Store on your cell phone: Click Here to download.
When prompted, enter our Clinic ID: BVZDBD
Please use the cell phone number that we have on file for you to make your appointments.

2. Text us at 978-499-9355. This is the fastest and best way to have access to all the appointments available, especially if you don’t see availability on the app…we may have a last minute cancellation just for you! We also check text messages after hours.
*Patients who have not seen us in 6 months or more or have a new or acute injury are encouraged to text us to schedule in order to allow appropriate time for your visit

3. Call us at 978-499-9355. Please leave a message with your availability. We will get back to you when we return to the office.